I hope your summer is going well. Please remember that the best way to keep your stress levels down is to avoid procrastination. If you have any questions about the IA, please feel free to post here.
UPDATE: Many of you have done a great job of getting started on your IA. Congratulations on avoiding the procrastination bug. For those of you who have not started, it isn't too late. In the next four weeks you need to have your sources and done some of your research. If you are having difficulties finding sources, start by googling your key topic words with the word bibliography. The other spot that isn't a bad starting point is the bottom of a wikipedia page. After you get a list of sources, try googling each individual author prior to buying or borrowing the book. Additionally, reading Amazon reviews can be helpful as well. However, this should give you some background on the credibility of the author. When we get back to class, we will talk about the next steps. I hope this helps.
hey mr. o, im having trouble finding sources on industrialists that arent extremely biased, do you know of any?
Hey Mr. O,
Hope Disneyland has been fun for you. I was wondering if primary sources are part of the IA. If so, would the letters of Sacco and Vanzetti over the 7 years they awaited execution in jail be a good idea? I'm shopping for books and was just wondering.
Hi Bailey,
I apologize for the tardiness of my response. We were at Disneyland last week and just arrived at the beach in San Diego. Now that I am sitting on a the deck watching dolphin, I thought it would be a perfect time to check the blog. Can you remind me of the exact wording of your topic? without that, I can suggest Gary Kornblith and Walter Licht. You will also want a progressive historian or two. I hope this helps, but if you can please remind me of the exact wording of your topic. I didn't take them on vacation.
Haile-I think those would be fantastic sources. Have fun book shopping
my question was: to what extent did the environmental policies of theodore roosevelt thwart industrial interests in the pacific northwest.
Hey Mr. O,
I have a few questions for you. My question is something like this: to what extent did education materials under the Third Reich correspond with Nazi ideology? I have a few books that I thought would work and I wanted to know your thoughts on them.
1. Education in the Third Reich by Gilmer W. Blackburn
2. The Rise and Fall of the Third Riech by William L. Shirer
3. They Thought they were Free by Milton Mayer
I did a little bit of reading into some other areas, and it seems there some good primary sources of textbooks out there, but that would be quite a bit harder to get a hold of. If you have suggestions or anything, please let me know. Have a good rest of your vacation.
P.S. I also am looking into Women in Nazi Germany by Jill Stephenson, but cannot find how much it contains on education.
Mr. O. I am having some problems choosing the right search terms to find useful books. I am intending to do My IA on the economic and political effects of Ion Mihai Pacepas defection from Romania. The problem I get is most results only link me back to his works as source material(which is great for revealing what info he was able to diverge to Nato, but gives almost nil as to what happened.), and I am having some issues finding "general" overviews of the cold war to lead me in the right direction. I haven't been sedentary enough yet to do some serious research, but decided to ask if you knew of good books that look at the end of the eastern block communist regimes or look at espionage and politics between the US and eastern block states. It is hard to find something that does not focus primarily on the Kremlin. (and Yes I have my own copy of Red Horizons already which is the primary bit of source material that historians repeatedly reference and the inspiration for my topic)
Josh and Laura-I will get back to you soon. Bailey, I apologize for the tardiness, but this as been an exciting vacation with beautiful sunsets, amusement parks, and time in the ocean (and a child stung by a stingray). Here is a list of possible sources.
The Wilderness Warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America –Douglas Brinkley
A Passion for Nature: The Life of John Muir by Donald Worster
The Big Burn: Teddy Roosevelt and the Fire that Saved America –Egan
Roosevelt books by Edmund Morris
Look up Helen Hunt Jackson
Education in Nazi Germany by Lisa Pine might be useful.
Mein Kampf must be looked at as well. Also, check out The Poisonous Mushroom.
Mr. O. When you said get back to you soon, I thought next three days, you are very good at this.
Good morning, Josh.
Like I mentioned when you selected the topic, this one is going to be challenging. You are right that one of the greatest difficulties is that much of the focus is going to be on the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Places like Romania were on the periphery and were often only mentioned as they related to the Superpowers. It is certainly one of the challenges facing a student tackling this kind of topic. However, I have a few suggestions that may be helpful. I don't have these books, so I don't know how much they will have on your specific topic, but they may be worth a try.
Romanian foreign policy: A case of partial alignment – Robert Farlow
The Romanian Revolution of December 1989- Peter Siani-Davies
Modern Romania: The End of Communism, the Failure of Democratic Reform, and the Theft of a Nation –Tom Gallagher
Secrets of the Cold War: US Army Europe's Intelligence and Counterintelligence Activities Against the Soviets During the Cold War-McCaslin
The Rise and Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe – Ben Fowkes
As for general Cold War General Historians, we use Gaddis, Cold War: A New History, but he has a lot more out there than just that. You could also contact the international Spy Museum and see if they have anyone who can help direct you. The other possible contact would be the Romanian embassy in D.C.
I hope this helps.
Thank you, those sources look great.
I can't seem to find any usefull information on my topic (to what extent did WW1 effect the music and art of the 1920's) so i was thinking of doing something about prohibition... any suggestions???
Hi Jaryn,
I am including a couple of links with some interesting facts. They may help spark an idea on prohibition. I have also listed some topic areas that might work. We would need to refine the topic.
Role of Mob in selling alcohol
Role of feminist movement or WWI
Prohibitions effect on targeted socials ills
Reason for repeal
Effect on rural areas
Corruption in law enforcement
For the EE and IA do you need to cite specific page numbers or just the entire source? Are the different?
Also, if you happen across any books with references to Claire Phillips (my EE topic) could you let me know? I'm a little scant on sources for her.
I'll keep an eye out for Claire. As for the citations, you should cite the page number for both. Hope you are having a good summer.
MR. O. The sources you gave me led me to a masters level thesis paper on a similar topic with an excellent Historiography section on Romania's relationship with Russia and standing in the Cold War. Considering the extreme relevance to my topic is this a good source? Also considering it lays out so much of my groundwork would something like this be dangerous in the IB world?
Here's the link. http://etd.ohiolink.edu/send-pdf.cgi/Crowder%20Ashby.pdf?ohiou1186838492
Thanks, Josh
about how far should we be on our IA by the end of the summer? i find myself a little short on time :/
Jaryn, All he wants is a bibliography with notes as to why each source is helpful i.e. what it is used for.
Mr. O, I'm having a hard time finding sources for my IA. I'm doing the role that women pilots had on supply lines in WW2. Maybe I'm not quiet sure as to where I need to be looking to find good quality book sources.
Josh-I don't think you want to be citing a Master's thesis. It hasn't been published and we have no idea the nature of the faculty review.
Jaryn-Josh is essentially right. Ideally, you would have the bulk of your research done. The annotated bibliography will be due on the Monday after we return. I believe that is August 29th.
E-mail me at odonnells@sd5.k12.mt.us and I will send you a series of sources.
Hey Mr. O, I was wondering if you had any suggestions for resources and books on my topic: To what extent did Pope Pius XII accommodate the Axis Power in the invasion of Italy. Thank you!
E-mail me @ odonnells@sd5.k12.mt.us and I may have a suggestions or two.
Miss Ashely Schumacher was having a hard time on the blog and she couldn't get it to post so this is from her.
Hey Mr.O!
I hope your summer is fabulous so far! Anyways I was wondering if you knew of any good historians to look up who focus on women of Mao's time or just Mao in general? Also, I'm not 100% sure but does having a book published or essay ect... make you a historian? or is it harder than that? =)
Hey Mr. O,
My original IA Question was "To what extent did Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique affect American perspective on marriage?" However, I was thinking of changing it to "To what extent was Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique responsible for the resurgence of feminism?" Which do you think would work better? All of the sources that I have found for the first question have been vague and have only shown correlation, not causation.
Hope you're having a splendid summer!
I think you are right, the second question is probably an easier one to link to causation. Don't forget to look at possible alternative causes.
Here are few possibilities to get started. I would google there biographies to get further information on the authors. As for what makes a historian, publishing a book or article in a scholarly journal will make you a historian. However, like all professions, not all historians are created equal. If you have any other questions and can't post, don't hesitate to e-mail.
It would help if I posted the names.
A. Doak Barnett
Jung Chang
Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik
Jonathon Spence
Edgar Snow
Lee Feigon
Mr O,
Do you have any good sources or books for my IA topic? -to what extent did the American government intend for the Japanese to exape internment? I have been having problems finding books at the library and boarders.
Are online archives of historians works and documents allowable sources according to IB? I assume we would cite them as a database.
thinking matter to think
Guess what Mr. O, I went to the top of the Washington Monument today!!! And I saw the new African American Culture and History exhibit. The on Wednesday I'm doing a breakfast and capital tour with Baucus and Tester. Then tomorrow my aunt and I are going to Gettysburg. If you can't tell.... I'm a little excited :)
Mr O. I'm watching Vietnam stuff and this series really portrays LBJ as a peackeeper and reluctant to engange in more conflict than absolutely nesscary. Is that near to accurate? Also, if you haven't checked your email, you should. No pressure.
Kaylee-Try the suggestions that I gave at the top of the post in the Update. I found a number of sources that I think would be wonderful for your project. If that doesn't work, get back to me.
Josh-databases are fine.
Bailey-I hope you had a fantastic time at Gettysburg. Those kind of trips will provide memories that will last a lifetime. I am really looking forward to hearing what you thought about the African American museum. It is one that I haven't visited.
Emma-That is definitely a perspective on LBJ, but I would suggest to you that there are historians who would question the reluctance issue. The Gulf of Tonkin would be a place to look for some of that. I have e-mailed you back for EE meeting time.
Would someone please tell Brianna, Derek,and Zach A. that it is time to start their IA's. :-)
Mr O
I think I am asking the stupidest question asked yet this year but i have a bunch of possible sources(more than I need) but they are on a database and medical jornal articles and stuff... thats not the problem the problem is that i dont know how to actually see the articles! just the summaries.... how do I see the actual document?
To elimanate confusion its the flathead county library database...
That is when you chat with the librarian. They should be able to download the article. Librarians are really good at that stuff. The other possibility is to take the author, title, and journal to see if you can find it online via google.
hey mr. o, its jon griffin im having sometrouble coming from the perspective of the japaneese government and how it was controversial with in the japans own government. my question was , "to what extent was japans biological testing on humans in unit 731 controversial within the japaneese government. i just cant seem to get anything on the inside thoughts of the government. any ideas on what to do?
Step 1-Re-examine your sources. How many of them are Westerners versus Japanese?
Step 2-You need to find the Japanese National Archives to see what they have.
Step 3-If there is a college professor who has written a book, find him and e-mail
So... yeah. I've procrastinated. But now I've realized that the sooner I start, the more I can avoid late nights later in the year.
Mr. O,
My IA topic is "to what extent was Winston Churchill's charismatic nature responsible for maintaining moral in Great Brittain in the early years of WWII?" and my first question is, do records of Churchill's speeches count as primary sources?
Easiest answer of the summer...Yes.
Mr. O
I'm not sure if this is the right way to go, but I was thinking I could revise my topic (see Aug 18, 11:53) to be more specific; i.e., instead of "the early years of WWII", just "the Battle of Britian."
No problem. 2nd easiest answer of the summer.
Finally home!!! And I have decided to change my topic yet again. sorry :/ but this time I'm stickin to it. I'd like to do something about the History of Haiti. I was thinking "to what extent did the leadership of Jean-Jacques Dessalines allow Haiti to become the first sovereign nation born of a slave revolt?" or "To what extent did the racism brought with the American occupation of Haiti lead to violent outbreaks?" I'm not really sure how to word the second one but I think you'll understand where I'm trying to go. Any thoughts or suggestions?? Thanks a ton!!!
Mr O,
I would like to change my topic slightly, to something along the lines of "To what extent was Winston Churchill's leadership responsible for Britain's victory during the Battle of Britain?"
I've also found an interesting perspective in 'Warlord' by Carlo D'Esto that some in the British leadership at the time believed that the defeat of France acctually allowed them to win the Battle of Britain because they no longer had to provide military support to France. What are you're thoughts on this?
Another question: is IB ok with online newspaper archives?
I hope you had an amazing trip. I am looking forward to hearing about it. Both topics sound good. When you return to school, we can tighten up the wording. Right now, I would be searching for sources for whichever one you prefer.
I am fine with the topic switch. Newspaper archives can count as a source, just don't forget the significance of books to the bibliography.
Bataan Death March
Summary of Evidence:
The rubric asks that it be organized either chronologically or thematicly. Could I...theme-ize it with:
1. Japanese mistakes - the numbers, Tokyo pressure, ect
2. Accounts of bruatlity
a. Death March
b. Other accounts to compare racism
Or, would it be better just to write it without labeling the splits. Instead, indicating them by paragraphs?
Is the Conclusion the main place where the reader understands your conclusion? Or, is it just a summary of the conclusion you have already made in the Analysis?
Hey Mr. O
I hope Scott is feeling better.
If I am covering the role that racism played in the conviction of Sacco and Vanzetti, would I be able to talk about racism towards Italian Immigrants in general at that time, or should I just focus on Sacco, Vanzetti, and the trial?
Also, can we use videos for sources? Because I found a good one that interviews a lot of historians, including Zinn :)
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Can you remind me of the exact wording of your topic? without that, I can suggest Gary Kornblith and Walter Licht. You will also want a progressive historian or two.
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Mr. O can I come in and talk to you about my IA?
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