1. To what extent was the rise to power of Mao due to personal appeal and ability? (06)
2. Analyse the conditions that enabled one left wing ruler to become leader of a single party state. (a period just for Elena)
3. In what ways and with what results was propaganda used by one ruler of a single party state? (06)
4. Evaluate the successes and failures of one ruler of a single party state.
5. In what ways did one ruler of a single party state try to use the arts and education to support his regime?
6. In what ways and to what extent was propaganda important in the rise and rule of Mao?
7. The aims of and policies of single party state rulers rarely followed their declared ideology.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? (09)
8. Compare and the contrast the influence outside their own countries of Stalin and Mao.
9. Compare and contrast the rise to power of two rulers of single party states, each chosen from a different region. (08)
10. Compare and Contrast the domestic policies of two rulers of single party states each chosen from a different region. (06)
Mr. O. I need to consult with you about Vietnam sometime this weekend because the beast is due in 11 days. I emailed you.
E-mail server is down for the school, so I didn't get your message. Home number is 755-4391.
Mr. O,
I'm confused as to the difference between the Red Army and the People's Liberation Army. Could you explain this please?
Red Army is the original name of the PLA during the Civil War. However, in the Cultural Revolution some of the students take on the name Red Guards which is sometimes mistakenly translated as Red Army.
So really they didn't make a new name, they just resurrected an old one?
When is the Mao test? On the board it says we have a DBQ test next wednesday... should we bucket these questions for that?
The adjusted schedule is up on the board. We are looking at the 22nd for the test.
for the quiz, do we need to learn the given names of all the people or just the surnames?
Hey Mr. O,
Just had a quick question. I was trying to get my preliminary buckets together, but I was curious about the format for the test. Is it going to be a DBQ or an essay test, Ill prepare for either in roughly the same way, just wondering.
Laura-Prepare the same way that you always do. There isn't really a way to prepare for the DBQ other than examine the hints that I gave you.
Justin-Surnames are fine.
As promised this link should work. The name will still link you the right way, http://www.emailthis.clickability.com/et/emailThis?clickMap=viewThis&etMailToID=753313671
Mr. O, a few questions:
For #4, should we choose three events,m campaigns, etc., or pick three areas (like we did in class) and evaluate whether they were successes or failures?
On #5, should we just use two buckets (arts and education) or three areas that the arts and education affected?
Can #7 be a comparison between two dictators? It seems like it could be, but I want to make sure before I spend any time on it.
And for all the questions, is Baum going to be the historian we use for the most part?
Reguarding the propaganda questions (3 and 6), should the cult of personality be just one bucket or do we use that as the "meat" to support three different buckets?
Mr. O,
On question 8, when comparing the influence outside their own country, I am a little confused on how to format my last bucket. In class, you had suggested their interactions with each other as the last one, but I am confused on how to fit those interactions into a compare contrast format and how to get enough information format. The first two you mentioned we could use are sphere of influence and U.S. interactions.
Mr O,
Also, as a side note, we (Ashley, Sierra, Kayla and I) were wondering who Judas was in the Mao style- version of the Last Supper?
I would probably make cult of personality one bucket.
#4-Either approach would work.
#5-I would probably pick three eras or areas.
#7-It could be two dictators in three areas or it could end up being three by the time we get done with Hitler.
Baum could be used, but I did mention a few others including Truchman and Jiang.
I think you deal with it under the fact that at first their interests were not terribly well aligned. After 10/1/49, they are aligned and then they separate by the late 1950s.
are you going to make a ww2 blog commenting thingy? if not can i just ask here?
What is the difference between weltpolitik and real politik?
What is the 1936 swing date for Nazi policy?
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Uebersetzungsbuero Franzoesischrestroom accessoriesed Army is the original name of the PLA during the Civil War. However, in the Cultural Revolution some of the students take on the name Red Guards which is sometimes mistakenly translated as Red Army.
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