1. Analyze the methods used and the conditions which helped in the rise to power of one ruler of a single-party state. (07)
2. Analyze the conditions that enabled one left-wing leader to become ruler of a single party state. (10)
3. Evaluate the domestic successes and failures of one ruler of a single party state. (07)
4. In what ways did the ruler of a single party state use education and the arts to support his regime (08)
5. In what ways, and with what results, was propaganda used by one ruler of a single party state?
6. Evaluate the methods used by Stalin to maintain power including his treatment of opposition groups.
7. The aims of Stalin rarely followed his declared ideology. To what extent do you agree with this assertion?
Thanks for putting them up Mr. O. Will there be more on Monday?
Does the CDC really need to have an article on preparing for the zombie apocalypse? http://emergency.cdc.gov/socialmedia/zombies_blog.asp
I'm having trouble drawing the line between collectivisation and industrilization. I know collectism was nessesscary for industrilization but what is excluded from that?
In response to Emma, would you consider collectivization more the collective farms and collectivizing (word?) the rural community, and then industrialization more the factories and urban areas where they made steel and all that jazz? Maybe the gulags too (they were involved in a lot of industrialization, right?)?
I almost want to get this printed as a ceiling tile or poster.
Emma. Collectivization allowed the government to do what it wanted. It was easier to tax the sovnarkhozi and kolkhozi. The food could be controlled better. Taxes are used for exports. For factories it allowed the government to stream-line the production of more capital goods, aka factories.
To simplify it, collectivization allows for a command economy. A command economy lets the government force industrialization
Why was WW1 important for the destruction of the tsar? demoralization of peasants? Economic reasons? hopefully you see this!
What are some specific examples of Stalins image/perception used for propoganda?
Carl, that is a question with a really big answer.
Th primary reason would be morale and support of the government. Part of the entry into WWI is to makeup hurt national pride (nationalism) from the 1904-5 Russo-Japanese war, which is a crushing defeat. When the war goes poorly against the Germans, morale begins to suffer at home and on the battlefield so the unpopular king heads to the front lines and leaves his wife at home. Here comes problem number 1, she is German and hugely unpopular. Problem number 2 is rasputin, a mystic figure famous for womanizing that she keeps on hand to protect her hemophiliac son. ( a reason why the grandchildren of queen victoria should not interbreed) Russia was not prepared for the war and the subsequent starvation at home etc. is met with brutal police force. SO the government gets more unpopular. Eventually the police and army tell the Romanovs that they need to abdicate the throne and they do.
Also of import is that Alexander II is often reffered to as Bloody for bloody sunday, and his pogroms.
For Stalin in propaganda. He preety much builds a cult of personality.
Personally I like the revision of soviet history and how he gets called the gardener of happiness. etc.
This google book looks useful.
Russian Elections are in 2012. Medvedev has been fairly outspoken against Putin over Libya and might win but it is unlikely as putin has consistently had 65% approval ratings or better.
Yagoda's bullets are supposedly in the soviet archive but I haven't found a good website.
As for his popularity...
-has some good representation.
and I like
is lenin on the left? and stalin is for stalin?
Mr. O,
I have a quick question about my bucketing for questions 1 and 2. I was going to use a system of:
Stalin's Background
Russian Revolution
It seems there are a few loop holes in this though, so I was wondering how might it be improved.
Michaella - THIS IS REALLY, REALLY, IMPORTANT. All communists are on the far left. Think of it is a four foot line. All the communists would be on the six inches at the far end of the line. Within that six inches you would find Kamenev and Zinoviev about four inches to the left of Rykov and Bukharin. So, in terms of this question, Lenin, Stalin, and all the others are classified as left.
Laura-The biggest hole is that #2 goes further into the future than #1. #1 can end with Stalin being one of many in power and must focus on the methods. #2 has to have a stronger focus on conditions. However, you can make the link to some of your other material by pointing out that one of the conditions was division within the Bolshevik Party and an unsettled leadership succession policy.
Is this correct:?
Stalin wanted to raise literacy rates to industrialize and compete with the rest of the european powers?
Or was there another motive?
Mr. O,
For question number 4 and 5 I am having a difficult time trying to bring everything together in buckets. Could these work for 4?
Educational Programs and Initiatives
Cult of Personality (revising history in the same time)
Communication in the Arts and Propaganda
Emma, We don't really know Stalin's motives for anything, hence the debate but I think you would be well off saying that he was likely trying to get the people indoctrinated with party policy and propaganda.
I would disagree with Josh on this one. It is pretty clear that one of the reasons for the focused effort on literacy is to industrialize. I think most historians would see literacy for propaganda as a secondary reason because propaganda can be transmitted in other ways. Nevertheless, Josh is right that it was also used for propaganda purposes.
I think that would work for question #4.
Mr. O
Regarding #1, I have Deception of other party members as one method, but I'm having trouble thinking of others. would terror work, or does that happen after the time period of the question (Stalin's rise to power)?
Especially when looking at #3,should industrialization and collectivization be considered one topic or are they seperate?
Josh- For number 1, don't forget that stalin is the master of managing the bureaucracy. Also, Stalin comes to power on the coattails of Lenin, so you can look at conditions within Russia at the time of the Revolution.
Justin- I think you could separate them out. It depends on how much other material you have. However, they are at the heart of Stalin's domestic policy.
For number one. I know for this test you want us to focus on Stalin, but would IB mind if we explained how Lenin brought around his single party state?
On another note, If the US had helped Romanov Russia with military equipment, industrial aid, and food aid; do think it that WWI would have gone better or at least there would not have been a revolution?
for question #3, would political policy be a domestic issue?
And on #7, I am using Stalin's policies toward women, but I am having difficulty thinking of other ways in which he did not agree with his proposed ideology
Josh-IB would have no problem with you addressing Lenin. As for U.S. aide, I do think it would have made a difference, but it wasn't possible for a number of reasons mostly dealing with transportation.
Justin-I would tend to avoid the political and look towards culture.
Mr. O. Would using Stalin's comment suggesting the Red Terror idea to Lenin be good evidence to argue from the determinist approach? http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/RUSterror.htm
#6 is frusterating. I know that the purges and propoganda were used, but cannot think of another. could the purges be split into two catagories? There's just so much info about them that my buckets right now are very unbalanced.
Justin could you talk about the Show Trials in a separate bucket? Or maybe you could discuss propaganda and education and indoctrination of the youth and general public.
Hey Mr. O,
Kristi and I are bucketing #1 and so far we have Political Position as General Secretary (allowing him to put Stalin supporters in power to support him and hide Lenin's comment about Stalin in his will, etc) and Deception (aka taking out the right and left in his 3 steps). Or should we include all the Political Position content in the intro and make his 3 steps to power our three buckets?
Laura 99.99% sure it wasn't Stalin. And I believe Bukharin, Zinoviev, are Trotsky are wrong as well. My initial thought is Rykov with Kamenev being second(I remember that whoever met that condition was on the right page. I am terrible at names... Though I will mention that its on that page of notes I gave you.
Referring to our comment at 8:12, could our 3rd bucket for #1 be the political situation in Russia? (aka the distress and disorganization of the political system)
The murder of Kirov is often implicated to be by Stalin's order, but there is very little evidence of it.
But in the following Purges he was able to remove all the significant potential claimants.
(Part A.)
The yezhovshchina and collectivization broke down the lower ranks of the communist party and the kulaks/peasants.
(Part b.)
Propaganda kept Stalin looking like a good guy, and capitalized on the above issues.
(Part c)
3 buckets with easy transitions and good potential for historiography.
Josh at 7:45-I think it is evidence that this is a traditional Russian approach and therefore fits the structural rather than determinist. The comment by itself has little to do with the results of the actions by either Stalin or Lenin.
Justin-I think what Josh suggested is fine. I would watch the third point to make sure you are linking it to an opposition group. As written, it is unlinked. If you aren't comfortable with that structure, go through and list the possible threats to Stalin and create a structure around that using the methods for eliminating those groups as your analytical approach within each point. Some opposition groups include farmers/Kulaks, military, elite Bolsheviks, and intellectuals.
Natalie-I like #1, but would expand point 1 to include the other positions (Rabkin and Nationalities). Point 2 will work as well. However, you are on the right track with the political system. You may want to look at the coattails of Lenin and what was going on in Russia. This could include his relationship with Lenin.
Mr. O,
On question number 7 I am having a bit of difficulty saying exactly how Stalin did not follow his ideology. My buckets are:
Historical Determinism
Treatment of Opposition
For the first one, would you say that he did not follow the views because he immediately went to complete dictatorship without letting it progress to communism? Or that captitalism was skipped even though the NEP existed?
I can see about going either way on each bucket, but I was wondering if you had any advice.
Mr. O will you be at school tomorrow?
Mr. O
Regarding your answer, could I group Elite Bolsheviks in one, military/lower level party members in another, and farmers/kulaks as the third?
also, I'm not really sure what you meant about using culture in #3 (see post at 6:10). could you elaborate on that?
It is supposed to go to a dictatorship of the proletariat, but that is supposed to be a significant group of fellow believers. I think the argument that social consciousness wasn't raised among the general population because capitalism didn't ever occur and the argument that there wasn't enough money to share without capitalism is better. Also, remember that Stalin got rid of the NEP with his five year plans.
Mr. O,
Thanks! I think I was saying how capitalism was never a step because he got rid of NEP, but that really helps! Thanks for putting up with my silly questions, it is very very much appreciated.
Justin-Stalin used culture such as art, sports, theater, and literature to advocate for socialism mostly under socialist realism. You could argue that this is part of what kept future opposition from ever finding fertile ground among the people. Nevertheless, I like your structure. Just make sure you flow the approach to control as you talk about each group.
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