This unit isn't quite as complex as the Stalin and Mao units, because I really would prefer you to use the two of them for any comparison on the IB test. However, it is possible that you will stumble into a question that makes sense to use Hitler. Additionally, knowledge of Hitler will help you with the WWII questions.
1. Describe the conditions in Germany that led to the rise of the Nazi Party.
2. To what extent did the post-WWI conditions allow Hiter to rise to power as opposed to his own personal skills and ideology.
3. Why was Hitler so gosh darn angry?
4. Describe the propaganda techniques of Adolf
5. To what extent was Hitler able to create total control over Germany.
6. To what extent was Hitler able to eliminate opposition within Germany?
7. To what extent was the domestic policy of Hitler successful?
Mr. O-
I have a question about the question of why is hitler so angry. Would using anti-semitism, and his other ideologies work, or are you looking more for exact events?
Also, on question 2, to what extent did post-WWI allow hitler to take power as opposed to his personal skills adn ideology, does it make sense to say that post WWI was only a factor that he used to portray his personal skills and ideology. I was thinking of just making each one a bucket.
-Kelsie Leu
I was just joking in question 3. You don't need to answer it. As for question 2, I think that would work, but remember that at some point you have to make an evaluation of which one was more critical.
So for the question to what extent was Hitler able to eliminate opposition would it make sense to include Jews and Hitler's anti-semitism therefore focusing partially on what Hitler thought was opposition, or would it be better to focus in on those that actually did present opposition? Or both?
How am I supposed to know how to spell your name when you think it is spelled Mere? As for your question, the Jews would best fit in under the intelligentsia or possibly social opposition. They are one group that might have opposed Hitler, but that opposition has little to do with his decision to attack them. The Jews were a an easy target in Germany and their elimination was essential to Hitler's plan for Germany.
Has anyone found any strong buckets for question 4: Describe the propaganda techniques of Adolf?
I think demonizing the enemy would be one good bucket; but it may be too big.
Any suggestions?
You are getting a couple more during class tomorrow that will focus on the education system. You will see some of the pictures from "The Poisonous Mushroom and read from a Nazi biology book. One idea might be to focus on education, mass media, and rallies (Hitler's speaking and the tone/approach). Anyone else have a thought? I'm not positive this is the best approach.
On question number 2...would it be best to look at economic, Weimar
From period five
Republic, and personal skills, or personal skills, ideology, and post WWI?
also- dealing with number two- would it be a decent idea to use the three buckets political unrest, economic problems, social domestic policy. talking about the problems at the beginning of the point and how hitler adressed them at the end of each bucket?
In both cases, it looks like you are looking at saying it was more conditions in Germany that Hitler's personal skills. That is fine, but regardless you must address the personal skills on some level. That may be best in the first point, but it also could be done in an introduction.
As for your points, I think all three of these suggestions could work. However, in each of those you have a significant focus on political and economic. I do like the ones that give a nod towards Hitler's persuasiveness.
A good Acid test for these kind of questions is to remove a factor and ask if the events could have happened without that factor. For example, without Hitler's personal skills, does he come to power?
Good luck.
Dear Mr. o,
I am SO disappointed in you. I'm sorry your daughter is stuck with you at home and ON TOP OF THAT has the swiner, but you really should have been here today to help me. But I do have a question, the opposition question seems to be a little bit vague. The elimination of Jews, homosexuals, and other minority groups really doesn't appear to be any kind of opposition. The only events that really seemed like eliminating opposition were "The Night of the Long Knives" and the formation of Dachau. Other than those two events, i'm lost. Help?
Hi Jerrette,
The Jewish population had money and and influence within the intelligentsia and financial community. If they had been able to align with other groups, they could have had some impact. However, Hitler successfully marginalizes them early on in his reign.
As for other groups, you could look at political parties (Sparticists, Social Democrats, even non-Nazi conservatives), labor unions, churches, the military, Hindenburg, and the intelligentsia/educators. Hope this helps.
Mr. O
P.S. The English teachers really should use you as an example of "voice." Yours comes through even on a blog. :-)
Mr. O,
For the total control question, my group split it into political, social, economic... What would be examples of his total economic control within Germany?
Excellent question. Economic control would include eliminating labor union, forced full employment, massive public/private cooperation programs, projects such as the Autobahn that would be used for the military, and price, spending, currency limits set by the state.
Hope this helps.
Mr. O
for the question dealing with propaganda, another approach may be using minority groups, education, and Hitler's image as buckets.
any thoughts?
Mr. O/others?
I think that structure would work. However, the detail between education and minority groups would have to be tightly controlled.
Could someone refresh me on who the right and left opposition groups to the Weimar Republic were? I get them so mixed up and they are fairly important.
In my notes I have that the left consisted of the Independent Socialists, and the Spartacists; while the right consisted of the Freikorps, led by president Friedrich Ebert.
Maxine has you on the correct path. Remember that Germany has multiple parties and governments are usually formed via coalitions From right to left
National Socialists (Nazis)
Radical Conservatives-usually linked to Freikorps and DNVP
Conservatives-Ebert, Hindenberg, various parties including the
Catholic Center Party
Social Democrats (socialists)
Sparticists (KPD)
Here is a decent link, but it has more info than you need.
Thanks Maxine!
Only the Catholic Center Party should follow the "including the" in the post at 8:33. Sorry.
on the propaganda question for the point on hitler's view would that mean how hitler was viewed or how hitler viewed others?
Thanks Mr. O that is extremely helpful. I'm really sorry your daughter is sick. I hope she feels better soon.
I think you could do both within the same point.
ok thankyou I hope your daugter feels better
so i am having a really hard time constructing buckets for the final question about to what extent was hitlers domestic policy successful?
is it asking about if hitler reached his goals or... i am just confused
help me? :]
mary kate
does any one have ideas how to bucket number six?
How is this for a speedy response, Mary Kate? What were his domestic goals? Off of the top of my head, I can think of reneging on the Treaty of Versailles, rebuilding the economy, re-instilling Pride in Germany, gaining absolute control of Germany, and addressing the Jewish question. Some of this comes from notes and some from the Mein Kampf reading.
If you buy my goals, I would find a way to put them in a three point structure and then addressing his success on each goal. Does this make sense? I will stay up a few minutes longer to check for a response. Good luck!
I have lots of ideas!
thank you mr. o that was a very helpful and speedy response!
but where did my post go? that made me very sad. :[
mary kate
I'm sorry, but Ms. Armstrong seemed to be scaring the children away. However, we will always have that image in our heads to remember her by.
Hello there Mr.O,
May I come in tomorrow morning at 7:30 to make this up please?
-Ilene Terry
No problem. You may want to make it 7:25 to give yourself the full fifty minutes.
Mr. O
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