Saturday, December 13, 2008
Civil War Test Questions
Explain the arguments for and against slavery?
To what extent was slavery a benign institution?
To what extent did slaves maintain their African culture?
Explain how slaves passively and actively resisted Southern slaveholders.
What was the most significant cause of the Civil War?
To what extent were Northern demographic advantages responsible for the Union’s victory?
Explain how the South prolonged the war despite obvious union advantages.
Why didn’t Britain and France formally assist the South?
Compare and Contrast Lincoln and Davis’s effectiveness.
To what extent was Lincoln responsible for the Union's victory?
Did Lincoln overstep his authority during the Civil War?
What role did African Americans play in the Civil War?
Why is Lee considered the reason the South survived for so long?
How did Grant’s strategy differ from his predecessors?
What was the critical factor in the North winning the war?
Assess the advantages of the North vs. the South?
In light of overwhelming disadvantages, how does the South prolong the war for four years?
Assess how foreign powers affected the Civil War.
Compare and contrast the role of foreign powers in the Civil War vs. the U.S. Revolution.
Was Lincoln the critical factor in the North winning the Civil War?
Why was Grant a particularly effective commander?
Was Gettysburg the critical battle of the Civil War?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Extra Credit Discussion Blog
Monday, November 17, 2008
Slavery Projects
Friday, November 7, 2008
Possible Essay Topics for Growth of the Nation Test
Constitutional Period
Describe the deficiencies in the Articles of Confederation.
To what extent were the problems in the Articles of Confederation addressed by the Constitution?
What led to the U.S. Constitution being created?
How does the Constitution protect against both tyranny of the masses and tyranny of an individual?
Some historians have referred to the Constitution as a bundle of compromises. Do you believe this to be true?
Was the Constitution a conservative document designed to protect the money interests?
War of 1812
How effectively did U.S. foreign policy from 1789-1811 address the challenges posed by the European powers?
What caused the War of 1812?
What were the short term and long term effects of the War of 1812?
To what extent should the U.S. view the War of 1812 as a success?
One historian commented that the war of 1812 was the wrong war, fought at the wrong time, against the wrong enemy. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
To what extent did the war of 1812 create a new era of Nationalism in America?
Mexican-American War
What caused the Mexican-American War?
To what extent was the United States the aggressor in the Mexican-American War?
What were the political, military, and philosophical arguments against the Mexican-American War?
What were the benefits and costs of the Mexican-American War both immediately and in the future?
Should Polk be considered a great President?
Was the Mexican-American war inevitable?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Final Founder's Project Post
If you have any questions about the founder's project, please feel free to post here. Throughout the weekend, I will be checking it. Also, I have listed a few websites for that last minute research. The last one has some significant bias issues, but it is an interesting read. Good luck.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Possible Essay Topics
1) Considering the early history of the colonies (1607-1750), was revolution inevitable?
2) Evaluate Charles Beard's assessment of the cause of the American Revolution?
3) To what extent was British mismanagement responsible for the American Revolution?
4) Identify the three parts of the Declaration of Independence and the significance of each section.
5) Why is George Washington considered the indispensable figure of the American Revolution?
6) How did Saratoga affect the outcome of the American Revolution?
7) In what manner did Ben Franklin help American gain its independence?
8) How did the Revolution effect African Americans and women?
Founder's Project Part II
John Adams
Founding Fathers
Ben Franklin (biography)
Thomas Jefferson (biography)
The American President Vol. 7 & Vol 10
George Washington: The Man Who Wouldn't be King
The Duel