We aren't quite to the point where it is time to post simple essay topics, but I do want you to have a solid idea of what you need to know for the historiography test.
1. Know your definition of history. This should reflect your reading in the historiography packet and the internet paragraphs.
2. Be prepared to name the five schools of history along with their distinguishing traits. You will need to be able to apply this knowledge to a series of sources that will be given to you.
3. Know the evolution of the approaches to history. This will come from your historians in history packet (Marx, Plutarch, Radicals, Turner).
4. Know the major fields of study and what type of historical evidence would fit under each one of them.
5. Be able to distinguish between a primary and secondary source.
6. Explain what issues like the Texas curriculum debate, the Hiroshima Smithsonian controversy, and the fight over the National History Standards mean to the study of history.
7. Be able to explain the challenges of learning/teaching history as explained in your historiography packet.
Link for Vale to history paragraphs website
Hey Mr. O
for the paragraphs on historiography on question 2 about picking one of the authors are we supposed to look them up or are there articles about them on the website you gave us because maybe i'm just dumb and don't see it...
This test is on next Thursday, right?
They are in the small tan packet on the last page. This is the page on Plutarch, Marx, and Boorstin.
Next Thursday, Zach.
Hurray for the link =) ty ty
What i thought the test was on Tuseday! My classmates lie?
Your classmates lie. It is an understandable mistake, they both begin with T. No test until Thursday.
can we type the paragraphs or would you like us to write them out? I don't see why it would make a difference, but I'm just making sure...
what exactly are postmodernists? are they people like Zinn?
Justin - I think it is almost always better to type your answers out. They are easier for both of us to read. Remember, much of what you are doing in this class will be used in about twenty months to prepare you for the IB test.
Emma- As you may have picked up from you packet, the author doesn't have a lot of positive to say about Post-Modernists in history. They make the argument that there are multiple "correct" histories. So many, that history isn't considered terribly reliable. Zinn isn't one of them. He thinks he has the argument that is correct.
Mr. O, I'm working on question 8 on the online site, and I can't find any article about Thucydides and Herodotus, are we supposed to search this on the internet?
Zach its under why historians disagree and focus and aim. Not trying to be Mr. O, just figured you wanted to know asap and trying to help out.
Yeah, what Emma said.
Thank you Emma, but I looked it up on the internet already. I'm going to check it with the site now though, thanks for the help!
Is it bad if I didn't type up the answers to the questions?
No, to me typed is a preferred method, but rarely mandatory. Unless your handwriting is so terrible that I can't read it, handwritten is fine.
what is question #4 about? Is that in our notes?
Question 4 should be in your notes. Economic, Social, Military, and Political are the four categories. You should be able to place events under each type of history.
by place events under each field of study do you mean the lense the articles are written with or the content?
I assume we are discussing question 4. You will be given an event and then asked what field that it fall under. For example, the explosion of the deficit forces the value of the dollar down would fit under Economic History. The passage of a Civil Rights Act would fit under Political.
Hey Mr. O,
So I had a question on the possible Historiography essay questions you posted. On number 4, what are you meaning about the fields ofstudy and types of evidence from history to support them? Is this the types of history of political, military, economic, and social? Or does it have anything to do with the biases we first talked about?
Never mind...just read the previous questions. Sorry
is this all that there is for the test or is there more to come?
Mr. O, about qestion 3. should we know all of the people/catagories in the historiography packet or just the ones that you put in the question?
Mr. O,
I have in my notes something about the Neo-Conservatives focusing on financial/economical impacts on history. How is the Neo-Con view different than the Progressive's?
Agreed with Addison.
I was needing to ask the same question.
I'm pretty sure but not positive that progressive is rich vs. poor and neocon isn't, idk if that helps at all but thats what i know
I agree with Willow. Progressives seem to emphasize a series of class conflicts and periods. Strongly rich vs poor etc. Neo-Cons seem to say we more or less have been doing good all along here are some changes over time. Exhaulting the effectiveness of the basic democratic system. Movements are viewed as part of the democratic/capitalist system while progressive see direct conflicts. Just my observations, hope it helps. Josh W.
Justin-On question 3, you should know all of them. I was just listing them to give you a sense of which pages I was referencing.
Addison/Mollie-Josh is right. The progressives view history as class conflict. Capitalism is loaded with the rich mistreating the poor. The Neo-Cons argue that Capitalism is wonderful and makes everyone rich. They also exalt the American experience.
2 Questions:
What do you mean by the major fields of study? I've looked through my notes and cant find it unless im being stupid and overlooking them..
Also, Do we have to know all 9 approaches to history or just those 4 you listed?
First question, see my answer on September 14, 2010 7:54 PM. I followed up on September 14, 2010 9:01 PM. As for your second question see my response to Justin on September 15, 2010 7:15 PM. Hope this helps.
Word, thanks j-dogggg
I hate bein sick! I'm pretty sure my head is going to explode. Super stoked for the test though. Jokes!
Mr. O, what specifically are you looking for in number 6?
does someone wanna post there paragraphs on here so i can just take a look at them and see what i need to write about. if you would please just post the full two paragraphs it would really help. thanks.
Vale-I have been waiting for that question. I was actually getting worried that no one was picking up on it. Looks like an essay question to me. Hmm. It is time to link what we have learned about the concept of history and apply it to those events. For example, one point could discuss that there are many views of history. I can think of a number of others, but I would love to hear what you think. Great question.
John-Are you referencing the link to Vale? If so, it has nothing to do with the test. It was the link to the paragraph assignment.
Will we need to know the types of bias? Political angle, geographic determinism, great men vs. societal changes, etc.?
Which paragraphs? I would but I need to know which ones.
Not specifically, but they do fall into a couple of other questions, particularly in dealing with Plutarch, Marx, ect.
Josh-I am confused as well.
Is the test multiple choice?
Any warnings about the test? I'm feeling comfortable, but it's always useful to know what is most likely to mess me up.
I actually have some concern about the lack of conversation about questions six and seven. Although you know a lot about those sections, have you thought about the best way to summarize them? What is most important? It is so hard to know whether the lack of conversation is indicative of deep comprehension or a complete lack of awareness of the issues.
Mr. O, wouldn't that basically be the same as number 7? explain the issues (#6): Explain the challenges (#7)- except i don't think you'd want me to copy paste my answer and swap out the topic names. soooo, could you elaborate more?
#7 doesn't ask you to address specific current issues. It is purely philosophical. On question #6, you need to apply that information to the relatively modern debates
ha idk what is going on. sleep well my fellow history students :) may the mighty sword of General Washington guide you through all uncertainties.
okay, clear now. ty ty =)
Mr. O,
I had a quick question about question 7 actually, so don't worry I have thought about them alot and am quite confused. Are you looking for maybe something along the lines of this:
Applying the approaches to history to the constant battle for the search of the truth of history, which we know is not probable. Or are you looking for more a three step approach which we could say something like inconsistent approaches by historians, struggle of what is "useful" history (i.e. standards debate), and possibly the affect that biases have towards attempting to interpret history?
Sorry for the length but it was just really confusing for me...
Just a random hypothetical question. Do you ever wonder what would have happened if Americans heeded George Washington's advice and didn't form political parties? Especially how that would have changed approaches to politics and history? Just wondering :)
I like your latter thought process on this one. I think another possibility might put the purpose of history in there. Is it to create national identity or search for lesson in history or is it to think analytically. Something to think about.
Hey for the first question on the definition of history, do we make up our own definition or do we say what the packets and reading said?
I would hope that your reading would help you create a thoughtful definition. You have seen multiple ideas, but I would like you to come up with one that fits your philosophy.
okk thanks, and then for question 6 should we know reasons for all three for an essay or just one? and what would a challenge be in learning history from question 7? i understand the teaching challenge of teaching ntnl id or analytical thinking..
I don't understand question 3 :(
Thank you so much!
So like, the challenge of learning/teaching history could be history itself for there are multiple concrete ways on looking at it? Hmm...interesting. I think the national identity one is interesting too...thanks for giving me something to think about! Oh and on question 6 we should just weave some support into these issues. I.e. how we are questioning what we want our national identity, or perspective on history to be when we look at the Smithsoian debate with the veteran's persepctive?
Again sorry for the length...
Annie this link has exact same info as mr. O gave us for question 3 http://www.cusd.chico.k12.ca.us/~bsilva/ib/histo.html
Annie-On question seven, one of the challenges is that we don't know what we are teaching is accurate, how do we teach multiple perspectives without having our own bias interfere. As for question 6, the modern events should help explain the philosophical challenges of teaching history.
Jaryn-Question 3 is the last two pages of your small tan packet. Know those people and movements.
Laura-I think you are on the right track.
thanks mr. o and josh!
could you possibly rephrase 6 for me i'm soooooo confused on what it is asking for. also where can i find what exactly 4 is i get that its economic, social, ect but did we get definitions for them all?
Anyone who is still up reading the blog, there are some people meeting tomorrow morning to do some last minute studying and discussion at Colter. Everyone is welcome :)
Will we be allowed our packets or a notecard or something on the test for specific examples, etc?
Oh and Michaella, I found the definitions for those in my notes. We talked about them in class a while ago.
NanniG-No notes. Sorry. Good luck and good night.
Hey Mr. O, It's very cool you are keeping a blog like this. Bravo. Gina Nelson
Thanks, Gina. It seems to help, particularly on the night before the test.
hey mr o, were you going to post what we needed to focus on in Ch. 7 or was that my imagination?
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