Monday, July 5, 2010

Time to Speak Bitterness (The IB Scores Are In!)

Actually,there can't be too much bitterness from this set of scores. If any of you are reading this, I am very proud of how much you accomplished. We had fifteen sevens in IB history and almost everyone received a five or higher. Congratulations, you certainly earned it. If any of you are having trouble getting your scores, you may e-mail me and I will let you know how you did. Hope you are having a wonderful summer.


Meredith Stanfill said...

Hey Mr. O wow first one to comment, probably because I have a seven thirty class! IB scores were a huge relief! Hope you have an amazing rest of your summer! Are you missing us yet? :)

McKenzie said...

Wow...15 7s! That's incredible. I think we all have a combination of a super supportive class and an absolutely fantastic, tireless teacher to thank for our scores. Thank you Mr. O for pushing us so far (and for all of the hilarious times in class, despite the hard work)!

Unknown said...

That's amazing!!!! Thanks to you Mr. O we did well. By the way, did they ever figure out what happened with those tests that got lost? I forgot about that.

Unknown said...

Thanks Mr. O!

Hannah Wahlert said...

Thank you so much for everything Mr. O! I hope your average test score is still high! What a great way to finish history...fifteen sevens! Did Papadopolas make it through?!

Unknown said...

Thank you Mr. O we couldn't have done it without you!

Mr. O said...

Hey guys,

I think this is a HUGE testament to your preparation approach. I wish I could bottle the study group approach that you took and give it to next year's class. Normally, I only take one day to fixate on scores, but this year I may linger. As for the test average, it was a 6.1 which far exceeds any test average history has ever had. As for the tests, they were found in Columbia during a drug raid and returned to their rightful owner. Have a great summer and congrats.

Unknown said...

Thanks Mr. O! Seriously....words really don't say had us work so hard and we all learned so much, not only about history but about ourselves and what it takes to get er done. Thanks for all your dedication and jokes :D

P.S. I got you something in Berlin...well its more of a joke, but yeah!

"Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task." ~William James