Friday, November 6, 2009

World War II

1. Assess the social and economic causes of WWII.
2. Compare and contrast the causes of WWI and WWII?
3. Assess the long term and short term causes of WWII?
4. Why did the United States become involved in WWII?
5. Compare and Contrast naval warfare in WWI and WWII.
6. Evaluate the effectiveness of air power in WWII.
7. To what extent was WWII a total war
8. To what extent did technological developments ensure victory in WWII?
9. Assess the level of mobilization of one homefront during WWII.
10. Assess how one group of American minorities was affected by WWII
11. Assess the social and economic effects of WWII on one nation?
12. Assess the impact of WWII on the economy of the United States.
13. How did WWII effect women in the United States?
14. How did Soviet and Western visions of "the Peace" differ?
15. Analyze the results of WWII
16. What were the short term and long term results of WWII.


Kassi said...

Mr. O
I am writing my wonderful IA at the moment and i had a question for you. when writing my summary of evidence, so i also state the answer to my question or it that just in the analysis? i dont know how to summarize all of my evidence without providing an answer to the question as well? '
get back to me asap!

Kassi said...

in addition mr. o, i have one last question.i am in need of some clarification on the evaluation of the sources. plz help me better understand the values..limitations..origin..and purpose stuff


Unknown said...

Re: IA
Mr. O,
I have done some thinking...and I think that with the points I showed you Friday it might be better to change my reasearch question a little bit. Instead of "To what extent was Pearl Harbor a surprise to the American Government?", I could say, "To what extent was the American Government responsible for Pearl Harbor?" What do you think? These would be the three points I would make...

1. Reasons for Isolationism and Roosevelt’s Response: If Roosevelt didn’t want to be in the war, why would he have let Pearl Harbor happen?

2. Rising Tensions between Japan and America: Did Roosevelt and other American government officials purposely aggravate the Japanese?

3. Information Received and Concealed: Was the information which reached the American government concealed from the Pearl Harbor base in order to allow the attack?

Unknown said...

Oh and I have another question...
If the views of historians are cited in a book not by that historian, how should I give credit to that historian. Should I find their book or should I cite the book that cited them?

Mr. O said...


Summary of evidence is taking your notecards from Mrs. Brown's class and writing out the evidence you found. Additionally, you will want to "set the stage" for your topic. Take a hard look at the yellow packet and it should help.

As for O, P, V, and L. Here is the spark notes version. O- Name, date published, author. P-Why did the author publish it? What is it intended to do?
V-What value does it serve the historian? What contribution to the study of the topic does it make? L-What limits both within the piece and outside does it have?

Hope this helps. See me in class if you need more help.

Mr. O said...


Careful on the to what extent. I think I could make a pretty good argument that the Japanese were responsible for Pearl Harbor. The points look fine, but should the U.S. have anticipated this response. As for citing a historian, it would be best to get his book, but if that isn't possible site the source you have.

Unknown said...

Hello anyone with an answer,
For question number 6, what would you talk about other than the blitz, the bombings on towns in Germany, and the technology? I'm rather lost with this one....

Rachel said...

sorry to hear you were sick. I was just wondering if there is something you said in notes, say the statistics by which FDR increased production and work durring WWII,can we use it in our IAs and if so how would that be sited?

Anonymous said...

So for question two,
I have the buckets of Imperialsm, Militarism, and Nationalism. In my WWI notes I am struggling to find/remember the main points for imperialsim in WWI. Any ideas?????

Tess B. said...

Connor, here's what I have for WWI imperialism:
-Germany's welt politik and desire to get colonies
-Britain's desire to occupy Egypt in exchange for letting France have Morocco
-Russia's desire to have control in the Dardanelles so as to have ship access to the Mediterranean and Black sea

I hope these help!

Mr. O said...


Very nice, Tess. I would also make the larger point of the old powers vs. new powers. Also, don't forget the obvious. Bosnia was an Austrian-Hungarian grab for a colony. Something to keep in mind.

Mr. O said...


DO NOT CITE ME!!! That would be the kiss of death from I.B. I am not sure which statistics you are thinking of, but I would be willing to bet that they came from "No Ordinary Time" by Goodwin. It is on my bookshelf. You are welcome to look at it, but please make copies rather than taking it home. I hope to return after Thanksgiving break.

Mr. O said...


On number five and six, I am going to make you guys dig. Some of this comes from notes, a bit from the battle packet, and dollop from your readings. Have fun.

Mr. O said...

In a minute, I anticipate Dean is going to ask a question about the results. Here is the easy breakdown. Wartime results-#'s dead, economies destroyed, rise of the U.S., No more depression, Pt 2 Peacetime results-Trials at Nuremburg (look them up), nuclear age starts, creation of Israel, UN. Pt. 3-Cold war begins

Just some thoughts.

Mr. O

redsox=#1 said...

Dear Mr. O.

I am having a somewhat/terribly rough time addressing questions 15 and 16 with regards to the results of the war. I have tentatively set up the buckets for 15 as American Growth/Development, Europe, and The growth of the Soviet Union. For # 16 i don't know much more than American Growth, lasting effects on Europe, and the Cold War. However i have no idea how legitimate these ideas are and would very much appreciate your input.

P.S. just saw your post. you are very quick!

Mr. O said...


It is a full service operation around here. I try to anticipate your questions by about seven minutes.

"Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task." ~William James