1. What led to the rise of the communists in Russia?
2. What led to the rise of Joseph Stalin?
3. To what extent did Stalin maintain or deviate from the Marxist and Leninist ideology?
4. Describe the political/economic/social policies of Joseph Stalin.
5. To what extent was Stalin a totalitarian leader?
6. What methods were used by Stalin and the communist party to maintain control?
7. Describe the nature and extent of Stalin’s attempts to limit opposition.
8. How did Stalin utilize social institutions (education, arts, theatre, media, propaganda) to maintain control?
9. How did Stalin’s regime affect he lives of women, religious groups, and ethnic minorities?
Here are some websites that might be useful for you during the Stalin unit. They are not a substitute for notes, but rather an addition.
i would like to do the roles of women of both colors in North and South pre-Civil War. I like the contrast brought by the colors. Please tell me if you need me to change, b/c i'm willing to if needed.
For question 9, where can we find more information on religious groups and ethnic minorities?
Mr. O, I don't feel confortable with questions 8 & 9 seeing that we haven't covered in depth those topics. Any help?
i have asked some people and we can't seem to agree. the packet that we read in class today...were those just bukkarin's ideas or did they actually happen? does anyone know?
Cristine, I believe that those were Bukharin's ideas, and Stalin put them into effect during or right after he purged Bukharin.
k thanks and i ditto your question 9 difficulties. i think the Ukranian massacre might work for ethnic minorities and Stalin also kicked the Jews out of the country and destroyed the church. However, the last two would be religious. I'm really not sure about the ethnic minorities. This site has some stuff...http://www.saskschools.ca/curr_content/history20/unit2/sec1_07.html
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