Sorry I was absent today, but Scott has managed to catch my cold. Don't worry, we are now pumping antibiotics into the water at our house. As for our fine Kissinger packet, I spent part of the morning going through it and creating questions for our Friday seminar. I have listed the questions and the student who is assigned to it. Although you are expected to understand and be able to contribute to all of the questions, you will lead the conversation and be an expert on a single topic. If you need anything clarified, feel free to post. Let the fun with Henry begin...
1. After the death of Bismarck, how did German behavior exacerbate tensions in Europe? Please examine Wilhelm’s leadership style. Kassie, Joey, Shawn, Jon
2. In what ways was an archaic Russian political/diplomatic system partially to blame for exacerbating tensions in Europe? Seth, Lisa, Matt, Ashley
3. Explain the events and policies that led to a Russian switch from a German ally to a French one. Julie, Jamie, Mariah, Logan
4. Explain how Germany mishandled Great Britain’s diplomatic priorities and France didn’t. Dean, Severn, Drew, Hannah
5. Once the triple entente was formed, how did Germany mishandle European crisis. CeCe, MacKenzie, Leif, Andy
6. in what ways and for what reasons did Germany play “chicken” in Bosnia and Morocco (1911)? Why does Kissinger believer that this approach was a mistake? Brett, Devon, Odin
7. What is the Crowe memorandum and what is its significance? McKenzie, Brigitte
TOPICS CHAPTER 8: Into the Vortex
1. How does the issue of mobilization change the principles guiding casus belli? Casey, Sarah, Emily, Linzi
2. Why does Russia need "total war" rather than a localized conflict? Tess, Susannah,Maxine, Mel
3. How does the Schlieffen plan jettison the strategic concepts of Moltke? Rachel, Kyle, James, Hunter
4. Why does Durnovo suggest Russia must avoid war? Kelsie, Meghan, Katherine, Kathleen
5. How did Germany mismanage the conflict immediately prior to the war? Tyler, Brandon,Brittney, Hanna
6. How did British vacillation contribute to the conflict? Lamb, Haley, Jenny, Natalie
7. Compare Kissinger's approach with Fay. Merideth, Ben, Connor, Elizabeth
Chapter 9: The New face of Diplomacy
Why couldn’t a compromise peace be reached earlier in the war?-Brittney, Jennifer, Logan, Angela,
Why does Kissinger argue that all of the major powers were losers as a result of the war? Emily, Alanna, Caleb, Jerrette,
How does the League of Nations differ from the traditional European approach and specifically the British approach to foreign policy? Taylor, Brigitte, Trevor,
According to Kissinger, what were the flaws in Wilson’s League of Nations plan? Jessica, Kelsey, Cristine, Elizabeth
What challenges did France face after WWI in regards to Germany? Beth, Dallas, Trever, Meghan,
How does France try to address these issues at the Treaty of Paris? Abigail, Janessa, Trever, Ilene
What difficulties were faced in implementing the U.S. vision at the Paris Peace Conference? How was its organization one of the chief flaws? Mary Kate, Mariah, Drew, Karissa
To what extent were Wilson’s 14 points systematically undermined and eliminated at the Paris Peace Conference. Breanna, Ben, Caitlin Jaimie
are we to assume that the formation of the triple entente meant an alliance of Britain, France, and Russia? Tonight's packet made it seem like a pretty nebulous contract. Or did Germany still maintain a hope of a british ally?
Mr. O,
You forgot me.
I feel very appreciated. =/
An entente was intentionally vague which was desired by Britain. One of the mistakes Germany makes is trying to force Britain into an iron-clad alliance. The French, on the other hand, are willing to give England some flexibility under the theory that if a war occurs, the British people will demand that their gov't come to the protection of the other nations in the entente.
so germany is scared that it will be hurt again so it builds up enough arms and stuff that it cant be hurt but in doing so scares the countries surrounding them causing them to group together driving them to isolation.
Is this right?
Mr. Odonnell, I am quite pleased because I find Kissinger easy to read. Which makes me happy.
i am having a hard time with my question.
can i come see you for help in the morning?
About how long should we be able speak on the overall topic? Thank you :)
Hey, Mr. O'Donnell, you have the name Mariah set down for two different questions, and i was confused as to which one was intended for me. If you could answer back tonight it would be much appreciated.
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