Thursday, February 12, 2009

Essay Questions for Emergence of the Americas in global affairs 1880-1929

What were the political, economic, social, and ideological reasons for the U.S. entering global affairs? Which one of the four was the most significant?

What caused the Spanish American War?

What was the effect of the Spanish American War?

Describe how Big Stick Diplomacy, Dollar Diplomacy, and Moral Diplomacy were applied and effected the Western Hemisphere.


Breanna said...

Mr O?

When is the test for this unit?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Which reasons for expansionism are idealogical?

Devon said...

Can any one explain Moral Diplomacy in greater detail? I get the just of it, but still don't quite fully get it.

Breanna said...

Mr. O,

For the make-up essay, could you help direct me to some useful sites for information on the foreign policy towards Cuba?

Lena T said...

hey mr. o,
I was wondering if i could come in tomorrow morning for questions...well i think i will and if you're not there i'll have to suffer by myself. this is ilene by the way.

Mr. O said...


I don't think I have anything else going tomorrow morning, so feel free to drop by.

Mr. O said...

Breanna and others who are studying for the debate. Here are a few links. The last one is just an interesting article.

Kyle said...

(gets down on his knees and bows to Mr.O) Thank you Mr. O, thank you very much. I was having trouble with Cuba. Those sites helped.

Mr. O said...

I do what I can to help the little people.

JamieC said...
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JamieC said...

AAAAH!!! Mr. O! I forgot to pick up my packets and notes after school!!! And now I dont have much to study from! HELP! Do you have any good websites that discuss arguments and reasons for and against foreign intervention... or better information that revolves around causes of the Spanish-American War and effects, including Moral, Ideological, Economic (What we discussed) Anything at all to help me over any of the questions. I will be at school early in the morning to grab my notes from class and then study them until 4th period. This BITES! But it would even bite more getting to school at 7:20am on Monday after choir tour (Death Trap Incognito). So yeah hopefully you will get this soon!!!

By the way... I was Josh... But really I am not Josh... but really somehow the blog said I was Josh even though I'm not. Get it?!

JamieC said...

Josh was the comment deleted.... I deleted it because I am not JOSH!

Meghan Garner said...

Mr. O,
I was just wondering what the Panama blog question was going to be, so I could prepare myself ahead of time. Thanks.

Breanna said...

Nevermind about my call earlier about the essay Mr. O... I got it all figured out and written.... Hopefully :)

See you tomorrow! Have a good night!

Mr. O said...


There isn't a whole lot of quality notes out there on this topic. The best site I can point you towards is I hope this helps.
Good luck.

Mr. O said...


To what extent was U.S. intervention justified in Panama?

JamieC said...

Ok Thank you. I am using alot of sites right now. Would a cause to the sp. Am war be foreign intervention/ european intervention---spanish rule in Cuba and cubas desire for independence?

JamieC said...

What is the term called where cuba reasons that if they destroy their land spain will leave and us might move in to help?

JamieC said...

Does the Filipinos have anything to do with the Sp. Am. war? for example US vs. Filipinos?

Ashley said...
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Mr. O said...


It makes me nervous when you are free-lancing on notes, because I have found a number of questionable sites. Your second question raises some red flags.

Comment 1-Not really
Comment 2-It might for the spanish out, but it wouldn't bring the U.S. in.
Comment 3-Um, yes. It is a key aspect of the Spanish American war. However, the Filipino insurrection will come later.

Mr. O said...


Many things for different people. The media, the American people, hard line war-mongers, McKinely, confluence of events with Spain falling and Germany rising. All of these were contributing factors.

JamieC said...

Don't worry too much about my free lancing... I am being careful and I will piece it all together when I get my notes because I know exactly what I need to complete my outlines. :)

Ashley said...

okay thank you mr. o! ill probably come in and talk to you a little bit more about it tomorrow, if thats alright :)

Lena T said...

i am taking it when we get back on monday...i kinda forgot i had an orchestra concert tonight and it took up a lot of precious time.

Lena T said...

is philipines a good bucket for economic? what about hawaii? and what are others, for some reason i can't seem to find any solid ones that make completee sence.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me what Moral Diplomacy is besides it called for the United States to not interfere with foreign affairs. i think i was gone the day we learned about it? or i just dont remember..

Mr. O said...

Lena T,

I would go beyond the Philippines. The conquest over the Philippines was really about gaining access to China and the rest of SE Asia. Take a look at our Open Door policy.

Mr. O said...


This might help you. The wikipedia entry isn't too bad either.

LinziR said...

Ok, so for the causes of the Spanish American war i only see two... the De Lome Letter and the sinking of Maine. what would a third be?

Logan E said...

on the first and last questions could the listed items be buckets, or would it be best to do something like a compare and contast essay?

Mr. O said...


Yes. In this case the listed questions could be the buckets. If I ask you to compare and contrast, then you would want to go with different buckets to create a running commentary.

Logan E said...

on the causes i think you have to small of buckets, i think that the Historyography packet has some good ones at the end of Platt it says: "relegious ecomomic and political" for me i rewrote those as ecomomic ideological (moral good) and Real Politik (only care for america) hope this helps and i could be wrong, (PLEASE SPEEK UP IF YOU THINK SO ANYONE!) but atleast this way there is a historian to use.

Mr. O said...


I think Logan is on the right track. Nice use of the packet. I am not sure I buy the economic/ideological argument. Economic might fit better with geopolitical, but Logan has pointed you in the right direction. Consider putting the the Maine and DeLome into the AG

Logan E said...

on question one, would it be best to only have three buckets? and combine ideological and social? i'm haveing dificultys coming up with enough info for both. THANKS!

Logan E said...

when i said "ecomomic ideological" i meant to put a comma in, they are two seperate buckets, so let me refase "ecomomic, ideological, real politik"

Logan said...

For the question: What were the effects of the Spanish American war? what would be the best possible buckets to use?

LinziR said...

ok thanks. definately saved me on that one. :)

Unknown said...

For the moral diplomacy, I'm not sure how to organize that into three points. I can only think of the example of Mexico. Could we talk about other people, like Strong, who influenced Wilson's ideas?

LinziR said...

moral diplomacy is America doing what is right no matter what. so cuba could be in there too about how we wanted to make them better and more like America even though they didnt want it. it was just morally right to do it so we did. does that make sense?
and i might be wrong but im pretty sure thats it.

Mr. O said...


Linzi is on the right track. Just remember that it is based on our sense of doing what is right. In other words, everyone should have a liberal democratic republic with liberties protected by a Constitution. Hence, Wilson goes after Heurta because he is impeding democratic reform. On another note, it is highly unlikely that you would get a straight moral diplomacy question on the test. We simply didn't cover enough material for that.

Meghan Garner said...

Does anyone know if Hawaii/Sanford Dole would fit into Real Politik? If, so, how?

Rachel said...

If anyone at all could help me with the ideological reasons for the war that'd be very helpful. or what ideology even was would be nice.

Meghan Garner said...

Ideology is basically theories or ideas for exspansionism or other 'actions'. For example, social darwinism, the Turner thesis, Reverand Josiah Strong, and others.

Unknown said...

Could someone give me some examples of political and economic reasons for starting imperialism?

Unknown said...

For political you could use other powers (Germany and Japan) building up, the US wanting to build up their navy (mahan's book), and the decline of spain. For economical you could use the rise of other nations leading to open door policy in china, closing of the frontier/turner thesis, and increasing trade.

Kyle said...

Okay I'm a little confused on the "closing of the frontier" kelsie. What is that again, exactly?

Mr. O said...


Since no one has answered this one for you, Hawaii can fit in when McKinley annexes them. They are being annexed in part because they serve as a critical port for coal refueling and later as a harbor for the Navy. With this in mind, it could fit into political/realpolitik.

Meghan Garner said...

Finally! Thanks Mr. O! You are my historical savior!

Kyle said...

I suppose that's why he's the teacher. haha
Can you be my savior too Mr. O
What is closing the frontier again?

Meghan Garner said...

closing the frontier is the US finally obtaining its status of 'from sea to shining sea', as in no more westward expansion. in 1890, the frontier line defining the end of America on maps disappears, and leads to American imperialism,fulfilling the Turner thesis.

Kyle said...

Okay that's what i had in my head, I just wasn't quite sure. Thanks Meghan.

Mr. O said...

Hi gang,

You are doing a nice job of helping each other. I will be lurking around the blog until about 10:30 tonight. If you asked a question that didn't get answered or you need a follow up, feel free to ask.


Unknown said...
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Meghan Garner said...

Mr. O,
Is the Panama question only for period 4? Also, could you use Cuban uprising (scorched-earth policy, etc.) as a bucket for the cause of the Spanish American war?

Mr. O said...


Yes and Yes. The scorched earth issue would be best when you talk about yellow journalism. Hearst and Pulitzer use this to demonstrate how desperate the poor Cubans are to rid themselves of the evil Spanish overlords.

Unknown said...

I see my comment was deleted. Sorry if it seemed I was being condescending or mocking, I was just trying to lighten the stress of a very hectic night for everyone.

Mr. O said...


Not a big deal. I wasn't sure that it was actually you, so I took it down. I never know for sure if someone has discovered our geeky little sanctuary and decided to mess with us.

Logan E said...

I'm having problems with a historian for a political/Real Politik bucket, Pratt seams to be the best from the packet, but he says it was a combination, or would it be best to use some one like Turner from the time perriod? THANKS!

Meghan Garner said...

real politik=big stick???

Logan E said...

more or less, yes it does megan

Logan E said...

one more for yall (most likly mr. O); what type of rule was the philipeans under when it was one of our territorys? and where else did we spread democracy (Cuba? Guam? Puerto Rico? Panama? ect) THANKS!

LinziR said...

ok now im confused. what is big stick. i thought it was the navy. and i thought real politik was doing what is good for america and not caring about anything else. and where does TR fit in here. isnt he a real politik? and big stick. wow im lost now...

Logan E said...

the big stick, technicaly is the navy, but the big stick POLICY is nearly identical as real politik, with the idea of inforcing american intrests and not caring for who we step on (using the navy). TR is the one who invents the term, and yes he is a little of both. HOPE THIS HELPS!

LinziR said...

Ohhh! ok thanks. that was ridiculous for my brain. so thank you for saving me once again. :)

Meghan Garner said...

Mr.O, so what IS BIG STICK? Also, are you planning to possibly split up question 4 (moral, dolla', big stick)?

Mr. O said...


I am dealing with you first because you seem the most ready to pop. TR's big stick policy used the Navy and sometimes the Marines to enforce the policies of the Roosevelt Administration. Usually those goals were focused on what was politically best for American. The previous sentence is defines realpolitik.

Mr. O said...


Pratt will work for realpolitik/Big Stick. The Philippines was under an appointed U.S. governor. Cuba had a Republic set up by us, as did Puerto Rico.

LinziR said...

ok thanks! im glad we cleared that one up :)

Mr. O said...


Yes, I may split up the question. I think this has now been hit a couple times, but let's make sure we have it. Big Stick is the nickname for TR's foreign policy. As he rampaged around the world it became clear that his focus was putting the U.S. in a politically advantageous position. Hence, it fits the definition of realpolitik.

Meghan Garner said...

ok, that sinks in now, at about the third time...thanks again!

Logan E said...

If for the efects of the war, i used a "long term outcomes" bucket, would it be alright to talk about the world wars? should i not use such a bucket? what else would go into that bucket should i use it?(the rest of american history? :) THANKS!

Unknown said...

Can someone fill me in on the Turner thesis? Thanks

Logan E said...

the turrner thesis is that since the frontier has been settled we need colonies as a place to send people, before the frontier (at least in therory) had been the place to send the screw ups in hopes that they could turn around and make it.

Mr. O said...


Hit Germany with WWI, Japan/Philippines with WWII, and then the overall change that hit American at 1898. You could also talk about the growth of our military from 1898 on.

Kelsey said...
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Unknown said...

I am a little confused on the long-term effects of the spanish american war. I know you mentioned germany and japan with the rising of WWI and WWII. Besides Japan needing more natural resources, what exactly was the issue with Germany to create long-lasting conflict? is it just simply that we were taking a lot of land and becoming more powerful?

Kelsey said...

I didn't pick up the historiography packet today that's due tomorrow that everyone got yesterday. Is that detrimental for the test tomorrow? Or will I be okay withoout the support of the historiographers (Is that even a word? If it is, I'm sure I spelled it wrong in any case)?

Also, is the three page essay for making up the debate due tomorrow as well?

Mere Stanfill said...

Ok well here it goes Mr.O. First who is this Strong guy? And I'm trying to make smaller sub points under a bucket of Political. I put real politik in there and started talking about wanting what's best for the country so increasing trade and things like that but I need specific examples of the trade and then this crosses over into economic so could I even talk about it? And I'm Big Stick goes under political and is that where we should talk about the Roosevelt Corollary? Sorry it's alot.

Rachel said...

mr.O with the effect of the war, could you talk about the effect on other countries as well as the U.S, such as spain;or eventhe little Islands they got and how they were Effected?

Mere Stanfill said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Logan E said...

the conflict with germany is for the large part, because we prevent them coming into the americas, and the philipines,(their fleet arived the day after dewy's battle)

Mr. O said...


If you don't have any historian it is significantly harder to get an A. However, you could use Turner which is explained a number of times throughout the website. Yes, the paper is due tomorrow for the makeup on the debate.

Unknown said...

anybody got an idea for short term affects of the war other than what the treaty of Paris did???

Mr. O said...


I wouldn't spend too much time on Spain because we didn't give a lot of info. However, results of the Cuba and the Philippines would be fair game.

Logan E said...

sorry your geting bombarded mr. O, but one last clarification, on the efects question, "Long Term" bucket, could the present/resent view of "World Police" work as a result? with a huge link of course... or am i stretching it to far?

Mr. O said...


Logan hit it pretty well. One extra point about Germany is that part of the cause of WWI is Germany's attempt to gain colonies. The U.S. thwarted Germany's attempt to pick off a few vulnerable colonies.

Mere Stanfill said...

scratch my Strong question I found out reading the AP notes.

Unknown said...

I think short-term effects could be like homefront issues that created debates of whether we should annex cuba and philippines or not. also the anti-imperialist league.

Mr. O said...


It can be done, but be careful to give plenty of time to the contemporary material.

Unknown said...

sorry. connor that last post by me was answering your question.

Mere Stanfill said...

If I was talking about reasons for entering the war and I was talking about economics and I mentioned increasing trade could I talk about the "Big Sister" Policy by Blaine? What would be some other good things to talk about? Sorry my questions have been so long.

Mr. O said...


On the political front, be sure to talk about the need to expand keep Germany from swooping in on the Caribbean/Venezuela. Also we were looking at becoming a major global power which made the Philippines necessary. Additionally, you can look at the building up of Navy under the Mahan doctrine. Big Stick and the Roosevelt corollary are political, but realize that they are post Spanish American War and after our entrance into imperialism.

Mr. O said...


Big Sister is earlier. What you want to focus on in terms of economics is our desire to move on China and enforce the open door policy. To do that, the Philippines are critical. Also, as we move into the Caribbean, Americans will spread into the Banana Republics.

Mr. O said...

Hi Gang,

If I miss a question, let me know. Also, if there is something you don't understand, ask for clarification. Sometimes things get moving a bit fast in here. Thanks.

BethSteele said...

Could the argument be made that the Roosevelt corollary came out of the Spanish American war?

Logan E said...

hmm, interesting idea, explain please...

Mr. O said...


Not directly. You could argue that the Spanish American war makes TR a hero which propels him to the Governor, then VP, then with McKinley's death, the Presidency. Now, that he is President, it is a natural imperialistic position.

Mere Stanfill said...

Ok thank you that helps a lot I'm just having issues getting the timing right. I have one more issue I'm really lost on what I could talk about for ideological reasons for entering global affairs and expanding?

Mere Stanfill said...

Sorry one more for long term effects of the war could would talking about being a global power be good, hence discussing the places we gained? And what about our involvement in WWI and WWII could that be an effect of the Spanish American War?

Mr. O said...


1) Josiah Strong summarizes the spread of American democracy, liberty, and religion.

2) Social Darwinism

3) Mahan and America becoming a global power.

4) Turner Thesis

5) A continuation of Manifest Destiny.

Just some thoughts.

Tess B. said...

Mr. O,
If you could please clarify for me how Japan's influences lead to world war II and Germany's influences lead to world war I, that would be great. It would really help me with the effects of the Spanish American War. Also, just to make sure, you said that you could use Cuban insurrections as one of the causes of the Spanish American War?

Unknown said...

Ideological reasons include Strong (spreading morals), Mahan (navy), and social darwinism.

Mr. O said...


Logan and I discussed this one about fifteen to twenty comments before this one. Look at Germany, Japan, and U.S. entering as a global power.

Logan E said...

i'm not mr o, but i can help.
Germany was looking for colonys, TR keept them out of the americas with his corolary. that was WWI which germany hoped to get colonyes out of some how. Japan wanted to expand and the philipines were on their rought and with them the US which lead to pearl harbor, THIS HAS BEEN SIMPLIFIED FOR THIS UNIT, DONT USE ON WWI OR WWII UNITS

Mere Stanfill said...

Ok Mr.O I have exactly 16 minutes so i'm using them. Where does Hawaii fit? Under trade with economic or could you put it under Real politik guess i'm not sure what exactly could go under real politik?

Logan E said...

I asked MR. O today in school somthing along those lines, he said to use it in both, explaining the verios aspects in each bucket

Mr. O said...


The Cuban insurrections were used by the yellow journalists to show how badly the Spanish were treating the Cubans.

As for WWI, Germany is searching for colonies in 1898. By 1914, frustrated by America beating them to Spain's easy pickings, they begin to look elsewhere. Germany decides that their only option is to take colonies from France and/or Britain. Britain realizes this is a possibility, hence the great rapprochement.

Next,the Philippines are the key to accessing Southeast Asia. Japan needs raw materials and they are going to need to find them in China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, etc. However, our presence in the Philippines threatens those plans, so they attack us.

Mr. O said...


I answered this at 7:39. Logan is on the right track. Hope this helps.

Mere Stanfill said...

Thank you Logan, Super helpful! I feel like i need to narrow down my topic for talking about real politik does anyone have ideas on what would be some of the best ones to talk about?

Tess B. said...

Thank you!!!

Mere Stanfill said...

yes it does thank you for the precise timing haha

Mr. O said...


I am off to bed, because I have to be up at 5:30 and I am a grumpy, old man. As for realpolitik, look at any example that is create a political or economic positive for the U.S. Cuba, Venezuela, Philippines, and the Panama canal are all examples of realpolitik.

Mere Stanfill said...

Ok thank you. Goodnight sleep well, if I'm cranky in third period tomorrow I apologize before hand.

BethSteele said...

Thank you so much for everything you do, I really appreciate it!

"Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task." ~William James