Friday, November 5, 2010

Trial Questions

For those of you doing the simulation. This is the spot to ask any questions of Mr. O'Donnell. I am trying to keep them out of the test preparation.


Josh said...

Could you add the list of who's who to docushare? It is easier than typing them out to download. If you can't I understand. Also, Are we allowed to try and discredit the characters played? I know you don't want badgering but making the witness look eccentric or invalid would help.

Mr. O said...


I don't have the list at home with me, but if it is an emergency, I can go get it at school. Let me know if you need that. Yes, you can attack their character, but it is supposed to be based on evidence or an actual historical view.

Josh said...

Its not an emergency. I wrote everything down as you were saying it so I have a list and someone else in my group has it I just need to get them to scan it or something. Just a minor confusion but the handout says a few things I want to clarify on. 1. It says 1800-1850, but I thought we were focusing on the M-A war and 2. what part of the schedule still stands as is mentioned, are we starting on day 3? Thanks, Josh

Mr. O said...


You have a greater focus on MA war than normal in the simulation because of your essay topics. We will start on Monday

Bria Frame said...

Hi Mr. O, I hope you're having a nice weekend.

How is this all going to work? Does the prosecution call a witness, then does the defense? Or is the prosecution going to call all of their witnesses, then the defense? Or the other way around?

Thank you!

Mr. O said...


Prosecution calls their set of witness and then defense call their set. I would prefer not to have to have both sides call a witness, but we will deal with that when it happens.

Josh said...

Can you use multiple rebuttal witnesses? I want to be able to interview the prosecution witness shortly then bring up the counter witness. It would help a lot. Oh how are the CX and the redirects supposed to work? thanks, Josh

Mr. O said...


I want you to limit your rebuttal witnesses. Only use them if there is actually something necessary to rebut. Also, during CX you will have the opportunity to question the witness on any issue you wish.

Bailey C said...

mr. o, how long would you recommend an opening statement to be? and would the impromptu struture work?

Josh said...

Bailey. Syllabus says max of 5 min. Though I am curious as to anything specific in wording.

Bailey C said...

well i was wondering if short and sweet or long winded and boring would be better for the purpose of this, what do you think would be better? (and answer honestly, not as the opposing side)

Josh said...

Honestly short and sweet is more of what I am writing. Brief overview of charges. Response. Points to be made. and conclusion aka the response again.

Bailey C said...

all right, thanks josh, see you later (prepare to lose)

Mr. O said...

Bailey and Josh,

It sounds like you are on the right track. I would like a quick overview of the strategy and what you believe you will prove. Try to avoid testifying, just give the topic sentence version. A lot of times the opening statement is only two to three minutes.

Josh said...

Mr. O.
Do you mind if we mention events in the mid and late 1850s if they are relevant. I am mainly looking at Walton and Vanderbilt here.
Thanks Josh

Josh said...

I will not lose.

Josh said...

correction Walker and vanderbilt.

Mr. O said...

Feel free, Josh.

Bailey C said...

mr. o (josh), are there any credible sources from the mexican perspective besides the one already posted? i want to see what they thought of specific figures like thoureau and lincoln

Laura Johnson said...

Mr. O'Donnell,
I hate to be a bother, but reading this makes me feel I am a bit off for what I am trying to get done for the simulation. First off, as Thoreau I know what I need to research but is there any papers or formats that I should have ready for tomorrow? Or just good sturdy facts and knowledge?

Carl Kohnstamm said...

I hope this isn't a bad question. Is Monday "day 3" of the trial as outlined in the simulation packet?

I am the 3rd period texas witness. Just thought I would put that out there if people wanted to talk to me about it.

Mr. O said...


I am not sure how aware Mexico would have been about an American poet and a first term Congressman. I'll glance around to see what I can find. More interesting may be Trist's view and the way the Mexicans view him. I think there is something in the article about this.

Your job is simply be ready to testify. Hopefully someone from the prosecution and defense has contacted you. The prosecution should probably give you some idea of the questions since they are friendly.


I don't have the sheet in front of me, but we are starting on Monday. Which means we will begin with opening statements and prosecution witnesses.

Carl Kohnstamm said...

Mr. O,
I have been trying to research the war from the texan side and I am not getting any information about the issue of "why do we have a right to the land we are guests on"
What were some reasons?

Josh said...

Mr. O
Did Thoreau ever use drugs of any sort?
Thanks Josh

Laura Johnson said...

Mr. O'Donnell,
For the characters, do you want a one page typed position paper per to say concerning our person's opinion of the war? I was a bit fuzzy on that from the small description of the assignment after class on Thursday.

Josh said...

laura. you don't need a paper. If you don't get called he will ask you to write one but its unlikely.

Mr. O said...

Carl-Check out the change in the Constitution. The Texans argue that the agreement that they entered Texas under had been unilaterally changed. Also, they have some of the same complaints that the New Mexicans have.

Josh-Not that I know of.

Laura-We will discuss the paper in class. Get some sleep.

Josh said...

Are you still going to discuss with the judges the verdict in front of the class or not? I am looking through the orange packet and got curious. Also do we give our closing statement first or second. It changes how much Improv I will be doing. Thanks Josh

Mr. O said...


Prosecution goes first, defense second. We will see about discussion

"Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task." ~William James