Thursday, March 11, 2010

Possible DBQ Topic questions

1.Evaluate the quotation “By the end of the 1970’s, both the United States and the Soviet Union had decided that détente had outlived its usefulness.”
2. Evaluate the following statement, "From the outset the Soviet intervention on Afghanistan was doomed."
3. Compare and contrast the war in Afghanistan with the war in Vietnam.
4. To what extent was Reagan responsible for the rise in tensions during the early 1980’s?


odin said...

So you mentioned that the reason detente failed for the USSR was because they saw opportunities in the middle East after the US had basically left, are there any other big reasons why it ended for the soviets?

Mr. O said...


It was more that we were forced out of Iran, but yes, that is one reason. Another issue was that they were more interested in crushing Solidarity in Poland. Additionally, the Soviet military wanted to put in place their SS-20 rockets in Eastern Europe. The conventional American history would argue that they simply used detente to catch up with the U.S. and then abandoned it when they had what they wanted. Hope this helps.

odin said...

It does, thanks, and do we have enough information about the specific terrain in Afghanistan to make a bucket for it?

"Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task." ~William James