1. Discuss the part played in the outbreak of the First World War by two states (excluding Germany). (10)
2. To what extent was World War I caused by social and economic forces?
3. What were the long-term and short-term causes of WWI?
4. To what extent was World War I a “total war?”
5. To what extent did technological developments ensure victory in World War I?
6. How did new developments in weaponry affect the conduct of WWI?
7. Compare and Contrast two nation's mobilization of their respective homefront (economy, propaganda, gender roles, stifling dissent, and raising an army).
8. Analyse the short term results of World War I.
9. Why did a "fair peace" fail to emerge from the Paris Peace Conference?
10. To what extent did the Paris Peace conference address the causes of WWI?
This might be useful to you particularly as you try to answer question 7.