We aren't quite to the point where it is time to post simple essay topics, but I do want you to have a solid idea of what you need to know for the historiography test.
1. Know your definition of history. This should reflect your reading in the historiography packet and the internet paragraphs.
2. Be prepared to name the five schools of history along with their distinguishing traits. You will need to be able to apply this knowledge to a series of sources that will be given to you.
3. Know the evolution of the approaches to history. This will come from your historians in history packet (Marx, Plutarch, Radicals, Turner).
4. Know the major fields of study and what type of historical evidence would fit under each one of them.
5. Be able to distinguish between a primary and secondary source.
6. Explain what issues like the Texas curriculum debate, the Hiroshima Smithsonian controversy, and the fight over the National History Standards mean to the study of history.
7. Be able to explain the challenges of learning/teaching history as explained in your historiography packet.
Link for Vale to history paragraphs website